Chapter 5
Chapter 5 is about user generated content on the Internet. User generated content includes anything created by the people who sign up to use a website that hosts a space for users to share content. Other topics in this chapter include email-based communication, podcasts, newsfeeds, and social media. All of these aspects of Internet based content have come to be known as Web 2.0, which distinguishes a transition from passive consumption to active participation in content creation. The end of the chapter goes into online reputation management. I thought this chapter was pretty interesting. As someone who listens to a lot of podcasts and uses social media, I enjoyed learning about how these things came to be, and some of the technology behind them. Prior to completing the reading, I did not know what an API was and learning about that helped me understand how certain websites can use parts of other websites. An example is a home buying website that features Google Maps. Overall, this chapter was very good and I look forward to the next one.
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