Chapter 4
Chapter 4 is about information resources on the web, as well as understanding copyrights, plagiarism, fair use, and public domain. Some examples of information resources on the web include websites dedicated to specific domains such as weather or news. Personally, when it comes to getting information regarding the weather, I tend to view whatever resource is most convenient as opposed to cross referencing multiple websites. If there is an impending storm, I may view different sites to get a more comprehensive view of what to expect, but outside of that circumstance I don’t care much about where the information is coming from. For news I generally like to check wire services such as AP or Reuters instead of hyper-partisan sources like MSNBC or Fox News. I must admit that before this chapter I was only vaguely aware of copyright laws and what is considered fair use. I was aware that after a certain period of time works such as books become more available to consumers. Many can be found for free online. I also knew that using music from an artist, without their permission, in something like a YouTube video can lead to copyright violations. Now I know that this is because you are attempting to profit from using someone else’s work without their permission. This is however permissible in some cases such as when a band and their record label approve a song to be used in a movie for example. To conclude, I found this latter portion of the chapter to be most interesting and I look forward to moving forward in this textbook.
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