Chapter 2

            Chapter 2 is about communicating over the Internet using email and using applications to share files. There was a time when I was studying for the CompTIA A+ certification, and during that time I became familiar with some of the concepts explained in this chapter, so this chapter served as a review of these important concepts. Some of these concepts include the protocols that underly the communication process between the sender and receiver. Basically, an email message is received by the sender’s email server, and then sent to the recipients email server over the internet. The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, or SMTP, handles the users outgoing mail and determines the path the message takes over the Internet. Then, the Post Office Protocol, or POP handles the users incoming messages. The rest of the chapter goes over the visual layout of a popular email application, Gmail, and outlines the anatomy of an email message. Fortunately, I have had jobs where I was required to use email often and learned how to professionally format a message and use proper netiquette. Over time I’ve used many different email applications such as Yahoo, Comcast, Proton, Outlook, and Gmail. Prior to taking this class, I actually didn’t know the function of the Bcc: line, and so that was interesting to learn about. One final concept this chapter deals with is protecting yourself from viruses and hacks. An important tip to remember is to never open an attachment in an email from an unverified sender. Overall, I enjoyed this chapter and feel confident moving forward in this class.  

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